J-flow DM4500 1" to EVA-0411 with EPV and off-brand solenoid valve set for fail safe
J-flow DM4500 1" to EVA-0411 with EPV and off-brand solenoid valve (alt. view)
J-Flow 2500 1-1/2" to EVA-0514
J-Flow DM4523 1-1/2" to EVA-0514
J-Flow ball valves direct mounted with Easytork actuators
J-Flow ball valves direct mounted with Easytork actuators (alt. view)
Easytork actuators installed in oilfield, they fit where rack & pinions would NOT
Easytork actuators installed in oilfield, they fit where rack & pinions would NOT (pt 2)
J-Flow DM 2533F with Easytork actuator
J-Flow DM 2533F with Easytork actuator (alt. view)
Easytork Actuator vs. Rack and Pinion Size Comparison: Double Acting Air to Open Air to Close
Easytork actuators installed on Val-Matic 2"-8" butterfly valves
EVA-1227 with YT-1000 Positioner
3-Way Diversion System Controlled by Easytork
Easytork actuators/Flow-Tek packages, some modulating
Easytork actuator on a 3-way valve - modulating package
Failed springs
6" 3-way assemblies (EVA-1022)
Positioner Assemblies (EVA-1436)
Z-Disc control valve (EVA-0514 actuator)
Centrifuge fine control application
EVA-1227 with gearbox and air pilot valve
EVA-1227 with gearbox on 6" American ball valve
EVA-1022s in an acid plant
Tandem stacked EVA-1646's with 48,822 in-lb (double-acting) or 31,734 in-lb (fail-safe) at 80 psi. With on-board lockout device. Size comparison to EVA-0514.
EVA-0717 on Kitz valve (angle 1)
EVA-0717 on Kitz valve (angle 2)
We offer complete automated Easytork valve packages
Easytork actuator driven by natural gas instead of air
Control valve packages with Easytork actuators
EVA-1436/1646 tandem units (~36,000 in-lb torque) on dampers
EVA-1436 control valve unit for hot gas service of up to 700 degrees F
Easytork actuator direct mounted to valve and Stonel switch
Easytork actuators at a food plant
Easytork actuators installed on a space rocket multi engine test stand
Easytork actuators installed at a power plant
8" 600# Chromatic Valve with EVA-1646 for fail safe modulation
EVA-1646s for fail safe modulation
Municipal facility
ECAs (replaced spring & diaphragms) on Fisher control valves
Easytork is the sole warrantor of the ECA product and is NOT affiliated or endorsed by Fisher, or any other Emerson Process Management Company
Easytork is the sole warrantor of the ECA product and is NOT affiliated or endorsed by Fisher, or any other Emerson Process Management Company
Forum Energy Technologies' Forumix Line (photo courtesy of F-E-T)
EVA-1022 being installed as a problem solver
Easytork 3” fail-safe control valve packages have control loop speed of 0.7s for the full stroke with very accurate control
Automated fail-close butterfly valve packages
Easytork installed for hand sanitizer project
EVA-1436 direct mounted on 12" Valmatic AWWA plug valve
Tandem 1646s
Easytorks in sanitizer project (part 2)
ECA (set for fail closed) on a 1-1/2” segmented control valve is under 40 lbs
Start-up at a WTP
Easytork direct mounted on a non-ISO butterfly valve with gearbox and positioner on top
Easytork control valves
3" Easytork control valve packages assembled for fail-closed
3" Easytork control valve packages assembled for fail-closed (part 2)
8" Easytork control valve package being assembled and tested
8" Easytork control valve packages