Quarter Turn Pneumatic Valve Actuators
Proven to Improve, Simplify, and Bring Peace of Mind to Your Process
Designed with engineers and operators in mind who need a reliable and safe actuator to keep their processes running.
Easytork’s quarter turn pneumatic valve actuators are the simple solution to chronic and complex process control problems and directly replaces spring return actuators.
Learn How It Works

Spring-less Fail-Safe Reservoir
This simple patented solution creates a new spectrum of efficiencies to best optimize your process and solve chronic & complex problems.
How Does Our Spring-less Actuator Work?
Air reservoir tanks are commonly used to emergency shutdown (ESD) mission critical valves that would otherwise be too large with springs. Easytork’s quarter turn pneumatic valve actuators utilize an internal air reservoir to ensure valve closure, improving on the way springs in a spring return actuator do. When there is air failure, the pressurized air stored in the reservoir is released to drive the actuator to its fail position.
Case Studies
An End User's Three-Year (and On-Going) Journey with Easytork:
“I am a believer in these actuators… I am certain there are others out there who have been looking for the same solution."
Topic 1: Size and weight - ReadTopic 2: Dirty or wet environment - Read
Topic 3: Ease of use - Read
Topic 4: Accuracy for control valve - Read
Topic 5: Where the end-user is today with actuation - Read
Low Air Supply Pressure:
Easytork is the only actuator that can be used off-the-self for low pressure fail-safe applications (35 psi or elow)
Corrosive & Dirty Environment:
How Easytork actuators thrived in a challenging actuation application while reducing total cost of ownership by over 77% for a mining operator
ReadFootprint Reduction:
How Easytork compact actuators significantly reduce valve actuation footprint in skids and mobile units
ReadWater / Municipal Systems:
Using water to drive Easytork actuators
Recent Installations

Easytork is the sole warrantor of the ECA product and is NOT affiliated or endorsed by Fisher, or any other Emerson Process Management Company
About Easytork
Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, Easytork manufactures quarter turn pneumatic rotary valve actuators for users worldwide in a wide variety of markets such as oil & gas, chemical, aerospace, power generation, water/municipal, general industrial, etc. Our patented spring-less internal air reservoir vane design makes our pneumatic actuator the most compact, efficient, and accurate in the world for isolation valves and for modulation control valves.
There has been no technological advancement in pneumatic actuation in over 50 years. Process users shouldn't have to cater to half century old actuation technology in order to meet their modern challenges. We were founded to establish a better generation of actuation - our products are designed with process users in mind first and foremost, improving and simplifying their process controls while maximizing savings and efficiencies for their facilities.
Our customer service and support philosophy, much like our product, is to make our customers' lives easy by providing the highest level of attention and support. Easytork is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
Pneumatic Rotary Actuators for Valve Automation Handbook
We wrote this in-depth guide to help process operators and engineers independently make the best valve actuation choices based on their specific application requirements. Second Edition, 2022 Version.